
Importance of Practicing

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by Diana Jane
July 30, 2022

The Importance of Practicing - How Can I Improve Myself on Piano Faster?

We hear everywhere about the importance of practice and its contribution to our development. In order to improve ourselves, to be successful in every field we want to achieve our goals, all we need to do is to have fun and practice actively. One of the most common things people hear about practicing is that to be good at something, you need to do it for at least 10,000 hours. The name that gave popularity to this claim is Malcolm Gladwell. In his book Outside the Lines (2008), Gladwell argues that the best violinists, pianists in the conservatory are those who practice thousands of hours more than their counterparts.

Beethoven's fans gathered around him after a concert. They wondered the secret of Beethoven's magical piano playing. “Oh, Sir,” said one woman, particularly fascinated and excited. “If only God had given me your genius fingers!” "It's not genius, ma'am, it's not magic," said Beethoven. “All you have to do is work eight hours a day for 40 years. Then you will play the piano like me.”

How can I practice more with the piano at home?

Getting people learning to play the piano learn a song by their favorite band or composer is one of the most effective ways to encourage them.

Benefits of Daily Practice

In order to make any information we have learned permanent, that is, to transfer it from short-term memory to long-term memory, we need to repeat it every day. Many people who are interested in art and science have emphasized the importance of repeating it every day in order to make our knowledge permanent. In order to be successful in a profession, it is necessary to practice for years without getting tired.

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Some of those:

1- Strengthens Hand and Eye Coordination Skills

Playing the piano is an exercise in itself. Those who play the piano regularly have strengthened their hand and eye coordination skills. Moving your hands around the keyboard at the same time provides physical development and helps develop two-way skills. This means that you can use both hands equally, and with regular practice, hand muscles can be strengthened. Being versatile improves reaction time and agility, which are important life skills.

2- Playing the Piano Activates Brain Functions

Playing any musical instrument activates the right lobe of your brain, which is more passive in normal people. Thus, the left and right lobes of the brain work together, ensuring that the brain functions are both active and strengthened.

3- Increases Creativity

Playing the piano, which affects the brain wonderfully, also improves creativity. Research has revealed that playing the piano increases the ability to improvise, creating a uniquely original sound and style for each musician.

4- Promotes Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

The pituitary gland produces “Human Growth Hormones (HGH)”. It stimulates growth in children and adolescents. One study found that students who took piano lessons had increased levels of growth hormone in their systems. Older adults have also been shown to slow down the negative effects of aging. These hormones keep energy levels high and prevent body aches in old age.

5- Strengthens Numerical Intelligence and Mathematics Skills

As a result of a study conducted on second-year students by Martin F. Gardiner and the team at Brown University's Human Development Research Center, it was found that students who received music education were more advanced and developed faster in mathematics than their peers.

6- Relieves Stress and Improves Mental Health

A 2013 study published by the National Library of Medicine found that playing the piano can help treat depression and relieve stress in adults. Playing the piano by children promotes improved self-esteem and better mental health. Research indicating that it can serve as a holistic natural treatment for depression and mood disorders among the elderly is the biggest proof that playing the piano is a spiritual booster for people of all ages.

7- Playing the Piano Improves Speech and Language Skills

A study conducted in the early 1990s showed that piano lessons improved early speech and multiple intelligence skills in preschool children. This is called the "Mozart Effect". Another study found that music helps children with dyslexia improve their learning and speaking processes.

8- Increases IQ

According to a university study, it was determined that people who took piano lessons every week for nine months increased their IQ three times more than those who did not play.

We can finish tasks that seem difficult at the beginning or that require a long time in a shorter time than we think. Learning to play the piano contributes not only to spiritual and personal development, but also to our body physiologically. It is possible to quickly move towards the biggest goal by reaching small goals every day.

I also recommend the Polyphony app to learn piano quickly and effectively without the need to read notes through regular and fun daily practice. An indispensable application for those who want to play the most popular songs in an easy and fun way. With Polyphony App - Learn Piano without Notes, we can learn to play the piano quickly by practicing with our favorite songs and songs suitable for our level. I would like to end my article with a quote from Mozart. “The most important, the most difficult and the essence of music is practice.”

Download Polyphony to Learn Piano with Quick Practice Now.

How can I learn songs quickly by practicing on the piano with the Polyphony app?

To use the application, you can follow the steps below;

1- Open the app.

2- Sit in front of the piano.

3- Put the phone in front of the piano.

4- Open the song you want and start playing.

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